By asking your child to fill out My Mindful Day, we are working with Cause and Effect analysis. Effect being a tick or cross for their day. Cause being their “Why”.
The primary goal is to find a pattern of child’s emotional wellbeing and to delve deeper into what makes them happy or in turn unhappy.
By giving your child only GOOD or BAD day options, and not allowing for an “Ok” day response it encourages them think hard about their answer. If given the opportunity, often kids and teens will go to the “on the fence” reply that their day was “Ok”. This can be due to the fact it wasn’t a “bad” day (ie, it wasn’t filled with dread, sadness or adversity) but it also didn’t contain anything that made it “good” either (fireworks, rainbows and sunshine).
Encouraging our kids & teens to train their brains to understand that an “ok” day is still a “Good” day is helping them form a positive mindset. Alternatively if your child displays a pattern of “Bad” day emotions this can help you understand or become aware of underlying issues your child may be experiencing, giving a chance to open up conversation with them about their day or alternatively seek professional help if necessary.
My Mindful Day is a 20 page full colour notepad effective communication tool.
My Mindful Day Full-Colour Notepad
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